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Daniela Ávila García
Biólogo y Magíster en Ciencias Biológicas
Biologist and Master in Biological Sciences, graduated with honors from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). She was college counselor at Faculty of Sciences, UNAM and volunteer in projects of the NGO, Natura Mexicana.
In 2012, she was a finalist in the scientific competition “Wise with water: Water you thinking?!?” and she was received recognition for being one of the 100 best university students in Mexico City. She has done internships and participated in international volunteer programs in Spain and Chile, respectively.
She has also been professor of online educational programs and has collaborated in research activities about of biotechnology and environment at Digital Research Center (CID) of Carso Corporation (Mexico). Currently, she is a PhD student and member of UNESCO Chair on Sustainability at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
Her PhD project is being developed in collaboration with different institutions in Colombia for proposing ecotechnological solutions to improve the water management in the Cauca Department, Colombia.

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