Duvan H. López Meneses
Duván López from Bogotá, Colombia. Graduated in Geology, specialized in environment and risk management with master studies in Contemporary Philosophy from the University of Granada Spain. Experienced in risk assessment and analysis of environmental conflicts, especially for the public sector. Technical deputy on Risk Management for the city of Bogotá during the period 2012 to 2015, being in charge of public policies designing and implementation for risk and resilience.
Currently is established on Barcelona founded for the Foundation for the Future of Colombia (COLFUTURO) to course doctoral studies on Sustainability at the Politechnic University of Catalonia, Spain, focusing on analysis and treatment of climate risks and collaborating with the UNESCO Chair on Sustainability of the same university and with the organization Recycling the City Network – RECNET.
Duvan H. López Meneses
Geol. M.Sc. Philosophy
C.Ph.D. SUstainability