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Harlem Acevedo Agudelo
Doctor en Sostenibilidad
Es miembro de la Cátedra UNESCO de Sostenibilidad y Doctor en Sustentabilidad de la UPC. Tiene una licenciatura en Ciencias en Ingeniería Civil, especialización en Gestión de la Construcción y una Maestría en Administración.
PAPERS Acevedo, Harlem., Vasquez, Alejandro & Ramirez, Diego A. (2012). Sostenibilidad: actualidad y necesidad en el sector de la construcción en Colombia. (translation: Sustainability: actuality and necessity in the construction sector in Colombia). Revista Gestión y Ambiente, 15 (1), 105-118. ISSN 0124-177X. Botero, Luis F., & Acevedo, Harlem. (2011). Simulación de operaciones y línea de balance: herramientas integradas para la toma de decisiones (translation: Simulation operations and line of balance: integrated tools for decision making). Revista Ingeniería y Ciencia, 7 (13), 27-42. ISSN 1794-9165. Botero, Luis F., & Acevedo, Harlem. (2009). Simulación digital en un proyecto de construcción en Colombia (translation: Digital simulation in a construction project in Colombia). Revista Universidad EAFIT, 45 (155), 45-49. ISSN: 0120-341X.
PROCEEDINGS Acevedo, Harlem & Vasquez, Alejandro (2011). Mejoramiento de la tierra como material mampuesto (translation: Improvement of the soil properties as sustainable masonry material). En el Congreso Colombiano de Ingenierías Verdes, Universidad de San Buenaventura. pp. 31-36. Medellín, Colombia. ISBN: 978–958–8474 –20–5. Botero, Luis F., Villegas, Andrés & Acevedo, Harlem. (2011). Propuesta para implementar la Realidad Virtual inmersiva aplicada en proyectos de construcción en Colombia (translation: Proposal to implement the immersive virtual reality applied to construction projects in Colombia). En el IV Encuentro Latinoamericano de Gestión y Economía de la Construcción (ELAGEC IV). T14-01. Santiago, Chile. ISBN: 978–956–14–1216–3.
RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Virtual Reality in construction January 2011-October 2012 The proposal aims to generate the necessary infrastructure and capabilities to provide services to the construction sector using virtual reality environments that facilitate the design, planning and control of construction of buildings and infrastructure from BIM modeling (BuildingInformationModeling).
CONSTRUGUARANTEES January 2011-December 2011 Research aimed at solving the problems of post-construction guarantees of buildings, from the identification of its major claims, causes, solutions, services and proposals for legislative attention to the interior of the construction companies and vendors under one criterion equitable, taking the position of the acquirer of the property, from a legal perspective, technique and technology. A technological application is being developed for helping the processes related to this problematic. The use of the CDW and its contribution to the sustainability of the regions February 2011-December 2011 The proposal aimed to present the characterization of construction and demolition waste (CDW) and its use as recycled or reused for different products sustainable development, with the aim of encouraging the use of these residues in the construction sector, through the generation of proposals that can be socio-economically viable. Application of technology BIM (Building Information Modeling) virtual modeling of construction projects January 2010-December 2010 The project implemented BIM technologies in various construction projects in Colombia, in order to present the advantages in productivity can be achieved. The models include the 3D and 4D modeling using Revit Architecture and Navisworks Manage from Autodesk company. Improvement of soil properties as sustainable masonry material February 2010-December 2010 Different materials, such as natural fibers and ashes, and soil were studied in order to create new options in sustainable masonry materials, based on the principles for the development of eco-materials. Analysis of performance and consumption of labor in construction activities January 2010-December 2010 In this study, the statistical analysis of the labor consumption was done on construction processes and later, by using digital simulation were generated different improvement scenarios prior to implementation. Sustainable construction and its current status in Colombia January 2009-December 2009 The research exposes the Colombian construction industry framed-related to its environmental impact. It documents, chronologically, the practices and strategies that have been used to reduce the negative impact on the environment throughout the time until nowadays. Finally, it is presented a survey result applied to a representative sample of constructive firms of the Valle de Aburrá, Antioquia, where several aspects, regarding the concept of sustainable building and the environmental actions that the firm carries out, were inquired.

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