Our Objectives
Our main objective is to provide a critical, reflective and interdisciplinary space, open to reframe technology as a tool for sustainable development, to reduce social, economic and environmental vulnerabilities and to strengthen social, economic and cultural diversity.
Our objectives for coming years will be directed to:
* OB1. Develop, in cooperation with other universities and stakeholders, an innovative approach integrating research, knowledge generation, capacity building and global cooperation to promote innovative technologies to meet social, environmental and economic needs and thus contribute to prepare students from different cultures for XXI century global society.
* OB2. Articulate a participatory community development approach oriented to SDG through the transfer of experiences and the development of transformation projects at local scale, promoting dialogue and socio-environmental and awareness activities and the empowerment of all stakeholders, bridging the gap between the academic world and civil society, local communities and public administrations.
* OB3. Create, maintain, spread and reinforce the dynamism of a network of institutions for the development of socio-technical innovation, aimed at reducing the socio-economic and environmental impact of cities and urbanization, facilitating the collaboration between teaching staff of the UPC and other institutions, strengthening North-South, South-South and North-South-South cooperation.
* OB4. Adopt a holistic approach to global change focused on four main areas of work (water, energy, land and biodiversity), and create a hub of excellence and innovation on key challenges related to circular economy, adaptation and mitigation to climate change and intangible heritage.